1. Agassiz, L., 1843. Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles. Petitpierre, Neuchatel, Switzerland.
2. Anning, M., 1829. Unpublished letter to William Buckland, dated 8 Feb 1829. Owen Collection, DF 100/2/5, British Museum of Natural History (London).
3. Anning, M., 1839. Note on the supposed frontal spine in the genus Hybodus. Magazine of Natural History, III new series, p. 605.
4. Anning, M., [no date]. Unpublished "4th Notebook". C.D. Sherborn papers, Lang Collection, Dorset County Museum, Dorchester, England.
5. Anning, M., [1846 or 1847?]. Enocmium Murchisonium first. Owen Collection, OC 62.1, 151, British Museum of Natural History (London).