1. @_d_belli (2020), ‘Why tf are women crushing on #joe from #YouNetflix?? Yeah @PennBadgley is hot, but his character is a fucking psychopath .’, Twitter, 2 February, https://twitter.com/_d_belli/status/1223843593875386371. Accessed 1 April 2020.
2. @9marimari (2020), ‘I find Dan Humphrey creepier than Joe, strangely enough. #YouNetflix #YouS2 @youwriters @YouNetflix.’, Twitter, 6 March, https://twitter.com/9marimari/status/1235704987302457345. Accessed 1 April 2020.
3. @AakritiSubedi2 (2020), ‘Just because a guy is hot, doesn’t mean he’s not creepy #YOU #YouNetflix’, Twitter, 21 February, https://twitter.com/AakritiSubedi2/status/1230632627159257088. Accessed 1 April 2020.
4. @almajean_ (2020), ‘Me lurking around the library hoping Penn Badgley notices me so he can get to know … me #younetflix’, Twitter, 29 February, https://twitter.com/almajean_/status/1233813508871147520. Accessed 1 April 2020.
5. @Angelo_Varilla (2020), ‘@PennBadgley is such a good actor #YouNetflix.’, Twitter, 3 February, https://twitter.com/Angelo_Varilla/status/1224249520596439040. Accessed 1 April 2020.