1. Andrews, David (1999), Aestheticism, Nabokov and Lolita, Lewiston: Edwin Mellen.
2. Appel, Alfred, Jr. (1995), `Introduction' in Vladimir Nabokov, The Annotated Lolita (1970, rev. 1991). London: Penguin, pp. xvii-lxxiii.
3. Auden, W.H. (1950), `Introduction', in Edgar Allan Poe, Selected Poetry, Prose and Eureka, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, pp. v-xvii.
4. Baudelaire, Charles (1964), Jonathan Mayne (ed. and trans.), The Painter of Modern Life and Other Essays, London: Phaidon.
5. Baudelaire, Charles (1975), Claude Pichois (ed.), uvres Completes, 2 Vols., Paris: Gallimard.