1. ISNI: 0000000404984174 Indian Institute of Foreign Trade
In recent years, policy-makers and researchers have paid close attention to sustainable energy resources. Biofuel has emerged as a viable option among available alternatives in countries with excess agricultural production. India is also ramping up ethanol production. However, there is limited research available on enablers that can help boost production for enhanced blending, thereby assisting in the achievement of energy security and the transition to a low-carbon economy. Furthermore, India can capitalize on its excess agri-production for long-term energy security, increase farmer income, reduce import bills and foreign exchange outflows, encourage local business participation and accelerate its overall economic development while lowering its carbon footprints. The Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) approach is used in this article to investigate the enablers for implementing a policy regime for increased ethanol production. The findings are important for policy-makers in India to identify areas for policy interventions, and they also lay the groundwork for future similar research on this evolving industry in the global markets.