India desperately needs synergy between university and industry to make education globally competitive


Naik B. M.1


1. Shri Guru Gobind Singhji Institute of Engineering and Technology (SGGSIET)


This paper presents the brief need and importance of synergy between higher and technical education and industry. A win-win game between industry and institute is very essential in raising their respective performances to greater heights. If synergy is achieved, then higher and technical education in India can hope to become globally competitive. India can then become a hub of education to attract students from abroad, as desired by the government. Synergy will also enable Indian industry to be competitive by world standards and enable India to become a developed country with a high rank in the world. NEP-2020 recommends synergy between the university and industry. In the past, many conferences and seminars in India have taken place, but the progress has been rather slow. This paper makes suggestions to bring synergy into practice. This paper is based on observations made during personal visits to several universities in developed countries, like the USA, UK, Germany, and India.


i-manager Publications

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