1. DMI St. John the Baptist University
The COVID-19 pandemic has compelled radical and innovative reforms and Education and academia have been identified as sectors most adversely affected by the pandemic. Disrupting the age-old classroom setup, the pandemic has forced educational institutions such as schools and universities to implement 'online classes.' However, the evaluation aspect of education remains to be desired. Many automatic online exam proctoring systems have been proposed for online examinations during this COVID-19 pandemic, but they have certain limitations, including fewer and inaccurate functionalities. In this paper, a smart exam monitoring system is presented that addresses many of the problems with past systems, aiming to help institutions prevent malpractices during exams. This smart exam monitoring system leverages advanced AI algorithms to monitor online exams in a more precise and comprehensive manner. It can detect various forms of cheating, such as screen sharing and unauthorized resource access, while also ensuring a fair evaluation process. By integrating cutting-edge technology into the education sector, the aim is to uphold the integrity of online examinations and adapt to the challenges posed by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Marketing,Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management,Strategy and Management,Drug Discovery,Pharmaceutical Science,Pharmacology