1. Pavel Piskarev Institute of Psychology of Creativity
In the context of the globalization of modern society, mutual understanding between representatives of diff erent cultures, peoples and confessions becomes an urgent issue: it is necessary to maintain political, socio-cultural and economic stability in the Russian Federation. It is likely that it is spiritual values that will become a unifying communicative factor that will make it possible to conduct an inter-civilizational dialogue, fi nd points of mutual understanding and help to feel and realize the unity of the Russian and world communities. In this regard, one of the important spiritual values is “sincerity”, integrating many elements of the spiritual sphere and acting in diff erent aspects (axiospheric, social, individual-personal). The phenomenon of sincerity is revealed in the article in the semantic space of modern psychology and Muslim tradition in the context of intercultural communication.
Russian Islamic Institute
General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science
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