The analytical technologies of sample preparation of rocks and mushrooms using the microwave field for the determination of germanium by the method of mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-MS analysis) have been developed.
Germanium is a rare element. Germanium is homology of silicon and carbon. To date, the definition of low content of germanium in geological objects is a rather complex analytical task, which requires its concentration - extraction, co-precipitation, ion exchange. At present, the harmonious combination of the method of natural objects decomposition in the microwave field and germanium determination using ICP-MS analysis is particularly promising.
Sample preparation of silicate rocks for ICP-MS determination of germanium was carried out by decomposition in a mixture of hydrofluoric, phosphate and nitric acids (5: 5: 2) in a microwave oven program at 240°C for 30 min. Sample preparation of mushrooms for ICP-MS germanium determination was carried out according to the following scheme. Initially, the dried sample was sealed in the presence of CaO, after dissolving it in a mixture of HNO3+HF+H3PO4 (6:6:1). Ge solution was extracted by Nazarenko V.A. extraction method. The developed analytical schemes have made it possible to significantly reduce the duration and labor intensity of sample preparation. The obtained solutions were analyzed using an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer.
The developed method for determining germanium by ICP-MS analysis has been successfully tested on standard rock samples. The obtained results are in accordance with the accepted attribute, the relative standard deviation Sr ranges from 0.7-0.9.
The data on the content and distribution of germanium in the Boletales fungi are obtained. They indicate wild mushrooms contain high levels of germanium, especially Boletus and Mushroom biospores. These studies are necessary because the essential properties of germanium and its compounds attract special attention of scientists today. Complementary Ge compounds which have hypotensive, bactericidal, antiviral and antitumor effects have already been synthesized.
V.I. Vernadsky Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry
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