Network model of interaction between the department of the university and HR partner for the development of emotional intelligence of students – future HR managers


Isaeva Oksana M.1,Savinova Svetlana Y.1


1. National Research University Higher School of Economics


The article discusses the development of emotional intelligence of HRmanagers. Experience of organization of network interaction of the Department of Organizational Psychology of “Higher School of Economics” in Nizhny Novgorod and HR’s as a way of development of emotional intelligence in students studying at specialization “Human resource management” is presented. The need for cooperation in order to develop emotional intelligence of students on the basis of network interaction is due to the relevance of practical vocational training, combining the resources of partners, expanding their capabilities. The directions, tasks, forms of network interaction, necessary resources, as well as roles implemented by partners are presented. The article draws attention to the importance of creating conditions for interdisciplinary communication in the process of training, “diverting” from the main and secondary forms of training for the development of emotional intelligence, the development of a generalizing independent course “Emotional Intelligence in Business”.


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow Pedagogical State University


General Medicine

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