The effectiveness of the use of activated sludge and tripoli as anti-radionuclide ameliorants (Kaluga region)


Kokoreva Valentina1


1. Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University (Kaluga branch)


The search for ways to reduce the supply of Chernobyl trace cesium to agricultural plants has remained relevant in Kaluga region for many decades. This problem is particularly acute for private farmlands, in which centralized agrotechnical measures for the rehabilitation of polluted soils were not carried out. In this regard, the purpose of this study was to develop measures for the safe economic use of private farm soils, natural meadows as hayfields and pastures. We used comparative analytical, instrumental and statistical methods. The studies were conducted during 1997–2016 on the basis of the agricultural production cooperative “Lesnye Polyany” of the Ulyanovsk district of Kaluga region. The experiments were conducted on the private land of three private farms and the floodplain of the Shorochka River. Local resources were used for the experiments: activated sludge from a biological pond near the village of Ulyanovo, and ground thistle from “Sorbent” Joint-Stock Company, for which there are positive sanitary and hygienic conclusions of Kaluga Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance Center. Based on the study of the dynamics of changes in the specific activity of grass stand and cattle milk, a half-decrease period for contamination of bioproduction was established within 7–8 years, due to increased binding strength and physical decay of radiocesium. The seasonal dynamics of reducing the content of radiocaesium in hay in a meadow ecosystem and milk of cows from April to July during the growing season has been established. The radiomeliorative capacity of activated sludge and ground tripoli has been proven in the production of private farms.


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow Pedagogical State University

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