Assessment of the agricultural soil use by remote sensing (Perm Region, on the example of LLC “Krona-Agro”)


Chashchin Aleksey N.1,Zhizhilev Vladimir P.1


1. Perm State Agro-Technological University named after Academician D.N. Pryanishnikov


For rapid and accurate assessment of the agricultural soil use it is effective to use remote sensing methods. The aim of the work was to evaluate the modern agricultural use of soil according to the data of remote sensing of the Earth of one of the agricultural enterprises of Perm region. Digitization of a large-scale soil map of land use was carried out, the rate of soil overgrowing by woody and shrub vegetation was estimated. Based on satellite data, the modern boundaries of cultivated soils are identified. The basis for creating digital soil maps was the “Krone Agro” scanned soil map, the SRTM radar survey data of 2003 and multispectral images of the Landsat 5 series (March 1988), Landsat 8 (February 2018) and Sentinel 2 (July 2018) were used from remote materials. Creation of cartographic materials and processing of satellite images was carried out in a full-featured open source GIS Quantum GIS. Soddy-podzolic soils predominate on the farm territory and their area is 1,448.1 hectares or 27.3%. As a result of study, it was found that over the period from 1988 to 2018, soil overgrowth occurred. The area of overgrowing was 1575,9 of the total area of the studied territory. Sodbrown (50%), sod-calcareous (10%) and sod-weakly podzolic (40%) soils passed into the fallow state. As a result of the analysis of multi-temporal satellite information, we have established a tendency to reduce arable land. The area ofarable land was reduced by 40 percent, while the number of fields decreased from 35 to 26. In the soil cover of existing fields, the proportion of soil cover with a strong contrast ratio is significant.


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow Pedagogical State University

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