Dynamics of the agroecological state of typical chernozem under forest belts depending on the location in the relief (Kursk region, Russia)


Pankova Tatyana I.1


1. Kursk Institute of Cooperation – branch of Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law; Kursk Federal Agricultural Research Center


Features of fertility dynamics indicators of typical chernozem determining agroecological state soil under these ecosystems are established under differentage forest shelter belts located on various slope exposures on the territory of the experimental field of All-Russia Research Institute of Arable Farming and Soil Erosion Control (Kursk Region, Medvensky District). The study period was 16 years, the age of the forest shelter belts is 20 and 36 years. It is found out that longterm growth of woody plants on typical chernozem results in an increase in its fertility. Moreover, there is the variation of soil properties differs in intensity in forest shelter belts that differ by location in the relief. In all forest shelter belts, regardless of the location in the relief, there is an improvement in the agrophysical state of the soil, an increase in the content of humus, mobile humus substances, mobile potassium, and phosphorus. However, the intensity of changes varies depending on the exposure of the forest shelter belt on the slope. So, on the southern slope there was a maximum increase in the content of humus, mobile phosphorus, exchange bases, and water-flow aggregates. In the soil of the watershed plateau, there was a significant increase in the content of humus, the degree of humification, mobile humus substances, but their qualitative composition and content of agronomically valuable aggregates have not changed. On the northern slope, there was the maximum increase in the criterion of water resistance of soil. With increasing age of forest belts, the aboveground herbaceous phytomass increases with an increase in its share of green biomass and the amount of accumulated litter decreases. The highest phytomass productivity was in the offshore forest belt of the southern slope. Studies have shown that long-term growth of forest shelter belts improves the agroecological state of the soil, regardless of their position in the terrain, which contributes to an increase in the ecological potential of the agricultural landscape. A correct understanding of the direction of changes in the agroecological state of the soil will optimize the structure and functioning of the agricultural landscape.


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow Pedagogical State University

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