Change of air temperature in Crimea


Gorbunov Roman V.1ORCID,Gorbunova Tatiana Yu.1ORCID,Drygval Anna V.1ORCID,Tabunshchik Vladimiir A.1


1. A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RAS, Sevastopol


The article presents the results of spatial and temporal dynamics research of the air temperature fields on the territory of the Crimean Peninsula due to the change of circulation epochs and periods of the Northern Hemisphere. Average multiannual maps of air temperature on the Crimean Peninsula for each circulating epoch and period were obtained, as well as maps of temperature fields dynamics at their change. Based on the obtained analysis of the maps it was found out that change in air temperature occurred not synchronously, but had its own characteristics in different regions of the Crimean Peninsula, which is explained by the influence of local factors. Zones characterized by constant maximum air temperatures in all considered periods have been recorded. It was found that during the instrumental observations on the Crimean Peninsula the warming occurred by 1 °C. This warming was occurring during the last circulation period.


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow Pedagogical State University

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