Popularity and effectiveness of modern ways of memorizing Chinese characters.


Oreshkova N. L.1ORCID


1. State University of Education


Due to the high and steady popularity of Chinese, a sufficient number of new techniques for studying Chinese characters are being developed today, many of which often represent updated versions of classical methods. We attempt to evaluate the ways of memorizing Chinese characters, to identify the difficulties faced by students. The article studies methods and techniques of memorizing Chinese characters used by students at a language university. We conducted a survey which revealed the techniques and methods of memorization that are used most frequently. When identifying the individual effectiveness of the use of techniques and methods by students, a discrepancy was found and analyzed between the use of certain methods and the assessment of students’ personal effectiveness. The authors also investigate the possibility of using a linguacultural approach to teaching Chinese hieroglyphic writing and predict the success of its application for the full assimilation of Chinese hieroglyphic writing and the acquisition of the cultural code of the country through hieroglyphs


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow Pedagogical State University» (MPGU)

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