Ranking of Competences and Its Prognostic Possibilities in the Professional Development of Future Teachers


Safontseva N. Yu.1


1. Southern Federal University


The article is the result of the author’s reflection on the current situation in teacher education in the context of future teachers’ understanding of the essence of the competency-based approach, which they will have to implement in their future practice. It is shown that young teachers in the process of their previous education have not realized the meaning of the competencies that they should learn after mastering the training programs of the corresponding level of education. The author concludes that the main condition for the successful formation of professional competence of future teachers is the professional competence of current teachers. The article shows that there are prognostic possibilities for students to comprehend the list of universal and general professional competencies that are mandatory for mastering, the comparative analysis of which ranking allows assessing the value-sense preferences of a future teacher and the possible nature of his/her potential professional activity.


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow Pedagogical State University» (MPGU)

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