Methodology of Applying the Integrative Approach to Teaching Chinese in Russian Universities


Anran Yi1


1. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia


The article analyzes the integrative approach in modern education on the example of teaching Chinese to Russian students. The topic is relevant due to the need for full-fledged formation of intercultural communicative competence in teaching a foreign language for good communication with its speakers. The aim of the work is to substantiate the methodology of applying the integrative approach in teaching Chinese language in Russian universities. To achieve this goal, theoretical works and practical experience of both Russian and foreign specialists in the field of applying integrative approach in teaching were studied. To fully understand the language it is necessary to know not only phonetics, grammar and vocabulary, but also to understand the history, culture, literature and economy of the country. As a result of the work the main components of the methodology of integrative Chinese language teaching in Russian universities are formed. The relevance and effectiveness of this approach have been substantiated.


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow Pedagogical State University» (MPGU)

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