Formation of Mathematical and Algorithmic Competence within the Framework of the Discipline “Information Theory” According to “Information Security” Enlarged Groups of Specialties and Direction


Lazareva V. A.1


1. Siberian Federal University


The article considers the formation of mathematical and algorithmic competence within the discipline “Information Theory”, as well as overcoming the interdisciplinary gap of fundamental areas of knowledge. The author provides justification of the choice of this discipline, clarification of its role both in the educational process and as necessary for further qualitative mastering of disciplines of the professional cycle, in particular, for solving professional problems. When conducting this study, the author proceeded from the features of this discipline and its role in the educational process in the directions of the Enlarged Groups of Specialities and Directions “Information Security”. Within the framework of the study below, the systematic approach to the structure in general and interdisciplinary interaction in particular in the discipline “Information Theory” prevails. The examples of this interdisciplinary interaction of fundamental disciplines within the framework of “Information Theory” considered in the article represent the justification for the designation of the formed competence (mathematical-algorithmic), as well as the uniqueness and necessity of its formation in the process of teaching students in the directions of EGSD “Information Security”. The results of the study are of practical interest for teachers, students, as well as for potential employers of graduates of the directions of EGSD “Information Security”, because the effectiveness of further training and solving practice-oriented problems depends on the quality of mastering this discipline.


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow Pedagogical State University» (MPGU)

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