Methods of Working with Literary Titles as Part of the Course on the Language of Contemporary British Short Prose for Philology Students


Shcherbinina Yu. I.1,Mikhailovskaya E. V.1


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University


The article is devoted to working out the algorithm for the analysis of literary titles based on the study of short stories written by contemporary British authors. Maintaining a strong position and being the dominant feature of the text, the title concisely expresses its essence, and therefore deserves special attention when teaching stylistic analysis of a work of fiction, especially short prose. The article considers the distinctive features and functions of titles: their polyphony, intra- and intertextuality, correlation with the genre, expression of the author’s position, symbolism and so on. Based on the analyzed material, the article offers recommendations on working with titles for teachers and textbook writers, as well as for students who study stories and their titles in order to interpret their meaning.


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow Pedagogical State University» (MPGU)

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