Educational Project “Russia — Germany. Milestones of Joint History in Collective Memory” as an Example of the Development of Scientific Diplomacy in RussianGerman Relations at the Beginning of the 21st Century


Dudarev V. S.1


1. Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences


Scientific diplomacy has a powerful potential not only in the field of internationalization of science and solving complex research problems by large international teams of scientists, but also in the possibility of maintaining professional relationships between scientists from different countries, especially during challenging international circumstances. The relevance of this study is determined by the presentation of the achievement of the practical result of interaction between historians of Russia and Germany in 2009–2019 within the framework of the Joint Commission for the Study of the Modern History of Russian-German Relations. The article presents the history of creating a three-volume study project “Russia - Germany. Milestones of Joint History in Collective Memory XVIII–XX centuries”, the tasks faced by the author’s team. The analysis of the main principles of the project’s implementation made it possible to conclude that historians of the two countries managed to reach a high degree of mutual understanding and consensus in preparing this educational project. The three-volume book, published in Russian and German, caused a wide public response both in Russia and Germany, which became evidence of the practical application of the experience accumulated by Russian and German historians in their joint work, as well as of the practical possibilities of scientific diplomacy in the dialogue between the two countries.


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow Pedagogical State University» (MPGU)

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