Narrative Multimodal Texts in Digital Educational Resources for Learning Foreign Languages: Purposes and Principles of Use


Tapilin T.1


1. Pushkin State Institute of the Russian Language


Active processes of digitalization in the sphere of education have led to the emergence of numerous digital educational resources in which the text retains the position of the basic unit of learning. It is known that the use of narrative educational texts is widespread in foreign language teaching. At the same time, in the digital environment, the dominant form of presentation and transmission of information is multimodal text. As a consequence, under the influence of the digital environment, some digital educational resources for foreign language teaching use narrative texts that are also multimodal. The aim of this study is to review such resources and to identify the principles of using narrative multimodal texts in their composition. The article analyzes the resources for learning Russian, English, German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Chinese as foreign languages. In the course of the study, it was concluded that when using narrative multimodal texts in the resources analyzed, the determining factor is the purpose of using these texts. Regardless of the purpose, the principles of using these texts correlate with the didactic principles of foreign language teaching and, interestingly, with the principles of game design (in particular, educational one)


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow Pedagogical State University» (MPGU)

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