Truth behind competences as current goals for linguistic education


Kashchuk S. M.1


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University


The article considers current goalsetting in linguistic education, which has recently gained eminence. The author examines transformation of education goals setting within the context of development lingua-didactic methods and offers a vector of developing new future directions in the field. The issue of goalsetting is important as any process with no desired results provisionally set is a mere waste of time. This holds special truth when it comes to the domain of education, as this one presupposes sound results of educational process and means of their achievement. Thus, the goals determine the methods, content, and means of learning in general and foreign language in particular. Use of competences as education goals in lingua-didactics entails formalization of linguistic education brining about lower effectiveness. As an outcome, competences themselves still lack clear definition, in spite of being widely used as certain guidelines in building up of educational processes. As based on the theory of a Russian think tank and pedagogic scholar Y. Passov, it is as-sumed that modern goal for education should be a human, a spiritual entity capable for intercultural dialoguing within unified European educational environment.


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow Pedagogical State University

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