Mali children's villages: social and educational environment for the socialization of orphans


Mamadou Sissoko1


1. Moscow Pedagogical State University


The article focuses on Sos Children’s Villages in Mali (West Africa), a country that has been at war since 2012. The war has killed hundreds of thousands of civilians and soldiers. This study is based on the current situation in the country, where the number of orphans in children’s villages has increased. It causes difficulties in providing social and educational support in children’s villages. However, despite the difficult conditions, teachers have been able to achieve results. How do they do it? What social and educational environments do they work in? What strategies are used to socialize orphaned children? The aim of the article is to describe the social and educational environment in which orphans in Mali children’s villages are socialized.


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow Pedagogical State University

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