1. Moscow Pedagogical State University
The soft skills of a teacher are considered in the article from the perspective
of pedagogical comparative studies, which reveal the general and specific in historical
phenomena. The latest domestic and foreign publications in which a working typology of soft
skills is constructed were the subject of the thematic analysis. The necessity of developing
soft skills of a teacher already at the stage of professional education is argued. The spread
in practice of a uniform approach to the development of soft skills of teachers, implemented
disregarding the age, experience and personal qualities of the teacher, has been noted. A
typological connection has been established between the term “soft skills” and similar
concepts traditionally used in domestic pedagogy. Four groups of soft skills are adopted as
a working typology: communication, collaboration, critical thinking, creativity. At the same
time, self-presentation and media competence were added for mixed-age groups of teachers.
A teacher’s long-term task in developing students’ soft skills is formulated based on the
teacher’s own experience of using soft skills in their professional activities.
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow Pedagogical State University» (MPGU)
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