The Potential of a Teacher’s Psychological Safety through Learners’ Evaluations


Smyk Yulia V.1ORCID,Kachimskaya Anna Yu.1ORCID,Gordienko Valery N.2ORCID


1. Irkutsk State University

2. Secondary school No. 5


Introduction. An important role in ensuring the psychological safety of the educational environment belongs to the ability to measure it. Despite the numerous publications on the problem of ensuring psychological safety, there are practically no studies on measuring the indicator of safety in education. Such an integral indicator, according to the authors, may be the potential of a teacherʼs psychological safety. Therefore, the goal is to assess the potential of the teacherʼs psychological safety as an integral diagnostic indicator and to test the authorʼs questionnaire to measure it. Materials and Methods. To measure the potential of a teacher's psychological safety, the authors developed a questionnaire based on a structural model of potential. It is represented by three blocks, including the personal, professional and communicative qualities of the teacher. The potential was measured by the feedback method through student assessments. Results. The factorization of empirical data made it possible to determine the factor load of individual features in the structure of each of the three components of the teacher’s psychological safety potential. Analysis of the total variance made it possible to determine the central qualities of the potential: sincerity, confidence, persistence, the ability to conduct a lesson remotely, find a compromise in communication, organization of group communication, charm. And to the peripheral include: stress resistance, erudition, cheerfulness, enthusiasm, humor, integrity, artistry, dedication to the profession, objectivity in the assessment, attentiveness, interest, explains clearly, ease, self-control, tact, compliance. Discussion and Conclusion. The study conducted by the authors made it possible to argue the multidimensionality of the potential of the teacher’s psychological safety as an integral indicator of the safety of the educational environment. Understanding its component composition will make it possible to identify the resources of the teacher to ensure the psychological safety of schoolchildren. The data obtained allow us to outline the continuation of the study in the direction of studying the features in the structure of the components of the teacher’s potential, depending on the gender and age of schoolchildren, to determine the deficits of the student himself in the process of ensuring his psychological safety in various educational situations. This will help to specify the individual trajectory of psychological work in ensuring the safety of participants in educational relations.


National Research Mordovia State University MRSU



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