The Main Trends in the Development of Production and Consumption of Fish Products in the Sakhalin Region


Pitilyak Dmitry A.1ORCID,Karyakina Irina E.1ORCID,Zakharchenko Diana A.1ORCID


1. Sakhalin State University


Introduction. The study is of relevance as there has been a decrease in catch over the past few years in the Sakhalin Region. This decline must be assessed in terms of its impact on the economic performance of enterprises and household budgets in the region. The objective of this study is to analyze and evaluate the trends in the development of production and consumption of fish products in the Sakhalin Region. Materials and Methods. The study has analyzed data from the Federal State Statistics Service and the Unified Interdepartmental Statistical Information System on the production and consumption of fish products in the Sakhalin Region. The graphical and comparative methods have been used, which made it possible to compare the dynamics of production and consumption of fish products as well as to show that the transfer of production trends to the consumer market has a disproportionately marginal impact. Results. The contradictory results of the development of the industry have been revealed: while there has been a decrease in the number of organizations operating in the industry, the number of personnel involved in processing, the volume of production and sales of canned fish, there has been an increase in the profitability of sales and prices for delicious seafood. The negative fact is that consumption of fish products has reduced in the Sakhalin Region, fish products ranking only 7th (by mass) in the total diet. The identified imbalances and negative trends in the production of fish products have also indirectly transferred to the sphere of consumption. Discussion and Conclusion. In the Sakhalin Region, one of the leading fishing regions in Russia, the conditions for satisfying the corresponding demand have not been fully created, especially in terms of affordable prices for fish products in the market that do not overcome the inertia of slowly growing incomes. The scientific and practical significance of the research materials consists in the comprehensive nature of the study on the processes of production and consumption of fish products.


National Research Mordovia State University MRSU


General Medicine







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