Contact-setting communikemes in the Komi language


Gulyaeva Natalia I.1


1. Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


lntroduction. The article describes the contact-setting communikemes in the Komi language. The subject of the research is the implicit meanings and intentions of communicants transmitted by these syntactic units. The purpose of the work is to identify and describe the most common contact-establishing communikemes in the Komi language, their pragmatic specifics, and the features of functioning in speech. Materials and Methods. The article employs mostly descriptive-analytical method. The sources of the research are contact-establishing communikemes found in Komi fiction by the method of continuous sampling. The author analyzes about 70 communikemes and over 200 of their implementations in texts. Results and Discussion. In the Komi language, contact-setting communikemes are few in number. The main sphere of functioning of these syntactic constructions is replica-stimuli, in some cases replica-reactions. The main functions of contact-establishing communikemes are speech-regulatory: establishing contact, maintaining a conversation, and activating the addressee. These units are aimed at coordinating communication strategies, as a result of which a harmonious dialogue and effective speech interaction can be ensured. The study identifies and characterizes three groups of contact-making communikemes found in the Komi language: to establish contact; to express readiness to make contact; to maintain contact. The most common among them are communikemes, which are used to establish contact, in particular, communication communikemes. Conclusion. Contact-setting communikemes are the most important means of establishing contact and entering into verbal communication.


National Research Mordovia State University MRSU


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science

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