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4. Zhachkin S.Yu., Trifonov G.I. Assessment of Plasma Spraying Coatings Physical and Mechanical Parameters After Restoration of the Aviation Industry Friction Parts. VKS. Theory and Practice. 2019;(11):77‒84. Available at: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/otsenka-fiziko-mehanicheskih-parametrov-pokrytiy-plazmennogo-napyleniya-posle-vosstanovleniya-detali-treniya-aviatsionnoy/viewer (accessed 11.02.2023). (In Russ., abstract in Eng.)
5. Zhachkin S.Yu., Penkov N.A., Krasnova M.A. The Technical Definition of Permanent Dispersion-Strengthened Composite Multilayer Galvanic Coatings. Australian Journal of Education and Science. 2018;11(1):238–253.