1. References
2. Adler, Robert W. 2014. "The Decline and (Possible) Renewal of Aspirations in the Clean Water Act." Washington Law Review 88(3): 759-812. https://digitalcommons.law.uw.edu/wlr/vol88/iss3/2
3. Adler, Robert W. 2019. "Coevolution of Law and Science: A Clean Water Act Case Study." Columbia Journal of Environmental Law 44:1-65.
4. Adler, Robert W., Jessica C. Landeman, and Diane M. Cameron. 1993. The Clean Water Act 20 Years Later. Washington DC: Island Press.
5. Ballentine, E. Kent, and Leonard J. Guarraia (eds.). 1977. The Integrity of Water: Proceedings of a Symposium. Washington DC: USEPA, Office of Water and Hazardous Materials. EPA 055-001-010-0106a-1.