Crofton formulas in pseudo-Riemannian space forms


Bernig Andreas,Faifman Dmitry,Solanes Gil


Crofton formulas on simply connected Riemannian space forms allow the volumes, or more generally the Lipschitz–Killing curvature integrals of a submanifold with corners, to be computed by integrating the Euler characteristic of its intersection with all geodesic submanifolds. We develop a framework of Crofton formulas with distributions replacing measures, which has in its core Alesker's Radon transform on valuations. We then apply this framework, and our recent Hadwiger-type classification, to compute explicit Crofton formulas for all isometry-invariant valuations on all pseudospheres, pseudo-Euclidean and pseudohyperbolic spaces. We find that, in essence, a single measure which depends analytically on the metric, gives rise to all those Crofton formulas through its distributional boundary values at parts of the boundary corresponding to the different indefinite signatures. In particular, the Crofton formulas we obtain are formally independent of signature.




Algebra and Number Theory

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1. Continuity of the fundamental operations on distributions having a specified wave front set (with a counterexample by Semyon Alesker);Brouder;Studia Math,2016

2. Singular invariant hyperfunctions on the space of real symmetric matrices

3. Crofton's and poincar�'s formulas in the Lorentzian plane

4. The product on smooth and generalized valuations

5. Integral geometry in constant curvature Lorentz spaces







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