Sarnak's conjecture in quantum computing, cyclotomic unitary group coranks, and Shimura curves


Ingalls Colin1,Jordan Bruce W.2ORCID,Keeton Allan3,Logan Adam145,Zaytman Yevgeny6


1. School of Mathematics and Statistics Carleton University Ottawa ON Canada

2. Department of Mathematics, Box B‐630, Baruch College The City University of New York, One Bernard Baruch Way New York New York USA

3. Center for Communications Research Princeton New Jersey USA

4. ICERM Providence Rhode Island USA

5. The Tutte Institute for Mathematics and Computation Ottawa ON Canada

6. Newton Massachusetts USA


AbstractSarnak's conjecture in quantum computing concerns when the groups and over cyclotomic rings with , , are generated by the Clifford‐cyclotomic gate set. We previously settled this using Euler–Poincaré characteristics. A generalization of Sarnak's conjecture is to ask when these groups are generated by torsion elements. An obstruction to this is provided by the corank: a group has only if is not generated by torsion elements. In this paper, we study the corank of these cyclotomic unitary groups in the families and , , by letting them act on Bruhat–Tits trees. The quotients by this action are finite graphs whose first Betti number is the corank of the group. Our main result is that for the families and , the corank grows doubly exponentially in as ; it is 0 precisely when , and indeed, the cyclotomic unitary groups are generated by torsion elements (in fact by Clifford‐cyclotomic gates) for these . We give explicit lower bounds for the corank in two different ways. The first is to bound the isotropy subgroups in the action on the tree by explicit cyclotomy. The second is to relate our graphs to Shimura curves over via interchanging local invariants and applying a result of Selberg and Zograf. We show that the cyclotomy arguments give the stronger bounds. In a final section, we execute a program of Sarnak to show that our results for the and families are sufficient to give a second proof of Sarnak's conjecture.



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