Apéry extensions


Golyshev Vasily12,Kerr Matt3,Sasaki Tokio4


1. ICTP Math Section Trieste Italy

2. Algebra and Number Theory Lab Institute for Information Transmission Problems Moscow Russia

3. Department of Mathematics Washington University in St. Louis St. Louis Missouri USA

4. Department of Mathematics University of Miami Coral Gables Florida USA


AbstractThe Apéry numbers of Fano varieties are asymptotic invariants of their quantum differential equations. In this paper, we initiate a program to exhibit these invariants as (mirror to) limiting extension classes of higher cycles on the associated Landau–Ginzburg (LG) models — and thus, in particular, as periods. We also construct an Apéry motive, whose mixed Hodge structure is shown, as an application of the decomposition theorem, to contain the limiting extension classes in question. Using a new technical result on the inhomogeneous Picard–Fuchs equations satisfied by higher normal functions, we illustrate this proposal with detailed calculations for LG‐models mirror to several Fano threefolds. By describing the “elementary” Apéry numbers in terms of regulators of higher cycles (i.e., algebraic ‐theory/motivic cohomology classes), we obtain a satisfying explanation of their arithmetic properties. Indeed, in each case, the LG‐models are modular families of surfaces, and the distinction between multiples of and (or ) translates ultimately into one between algebraic and of the family.


Simons Foundation

National Science Foundation




General Mathematics

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