1. Department of Mathematical Sciences Loughborough University Loughborough LE11 3TU United Kingdom
2. School of Mathematics and Statistics UNSW Sydney Sydney New South Wales Australia
AbstractIn this paper, we look at the problem of modular realisations of derived equivalences, and more generally, the problem of recovering a Deligne–Mumford stack and a bundle on it, via some moduli problem (on or ). The key issue is, how does one incorporate some of the monoidal structure of into the moduli problem. To this end, we introduce a new moduli stack, the tensor stable moduli stack which generalises the notion of the Serre‐stable moduli stack. We then show how it can be used both for stack recovery and the modular realisation problem for derived equivalences. We also study the moduli of refined representations and how they address these problems. Finally, we relate the two approaches when is a tilting bundle which is a direct sum of line bundles.