1. Institute of Science and Technology Austria IST Austria Klosterneuburg Austria
2. Fakultät für Mathematik University Duisburg Essen Essen Germany
3. Ecole Polytechnique de Federal de Lausanne, EPFL SB MATH ARG Lausanne Switzerland
AbstractIn this paper, we determine the motivic class — in particular, the weight polynomial and conjecturally the Poincaré polynomial — of the open de Rham space, defined and studied by Boalch, of certain moduli spaces of irregular meromorphic connections on the trivial rank bundle on . The computation is by motivic Fourier transform. We show that the result satisfies the purity conjecture, that is, it agrees with the pure part of the conjectured mixed Hodge polynomial of the corresponding wild character variety. We also identify the open de Rham spaces with quiver varieties with multiplicities of Yamakawa and Geiss–Leclerc–Schröer. We finish with constructing natural complete hyperkähler metrics on them, which in the four‐dimensional cases are expected to be of type ALF.
Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung
Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris