1. Mathematical Institute University of Oxford Oxford UK
AbstractWe show that there are infinitely many primes of the form and . This extends the work of Friedlander and Iwaniec showing that there are infinitely many primes of the form . More precisely, Friedlander and Iwaniec obtained an asymptotic formula for the number of primes of this form. For the sequences and , we establish Type II information that is too narrow for an aysmptotic formula, but we can use Harman's sieve method to produce a lower bound of the correct order of magnitude for primes of form and . Estimating the Type II sums is reduced to a counting problem that is solved by using the Weil bound, where the arithmetic input is quite different from the work of Friedlander and Iwaniec for . We also show that there are infinitely many primes where is represented by an incomplete norm form of degree with variables. For this, we require a Deligne‐type bound for correlations of hyper‐Kloosterman sums.
Emil Aaltosen Säätiö
European Research Council
Horizon 2020 Framework Programme
Reference21 articles.
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5. Asymptotic Sieve for Primes