Jardim Marcos,Verbitsky Misha
AbstractA trisymplectic structure on a complex $2n$-manifold is a three-dimensional space ${\rm\Omega}$ of closed holomorphic forms such that any element of ${\rm\Omega}$ has constant rank $2n$, $n$ or zero, and degenerate forms in ${\rm\Omega}$ belong to a non-degenerate quadric hypersurface. We show that a trisymplectic manifold is equipped with a holomorphic 3-web and the Chern connection of this 3-web is holomorphic, torsion-free, and preserves the three symplectic forms. We construct a trisymplectic structure on the moduli of regular rational curves in the twistor space of a hyperkähler manifold, and define a trisymplectic reduction of a trisymplectic manifold, which is a complexified form of a hyperkähler reduction. We prove that the trisymplectic reduction in the space of regular rational curves on the twistor space of a hyperkähler manifold $M$ is compatible with the hyperkähler reduction on $M$. As an application of these geometric ideas, we consider the ADHM construction of instantons and show that the moduli space of rank $r$, charge $c$ framed instanton bundles on $\mathbb{C}\mathbb{P}^{3}$ is a smooth trisymplectic manifold of complex dimension $4rc$. In particular, it follows that the moduli space of rank two, charge $c$ instanton bundles on $\mathbb{C}\mathbb{P}^{3}$ is a smooth complex manifold dimension $8c-3$, thus settling part of a 30-year-old conjecture.
Algebra and Number Theory
Reference34 articles.
1. Hypercomplex varieties
2. Quaternionic K�hler manifolds
3. Geometric Invariant Theory
4. [MT10] D. Markushevich and A. S. Tikhomirov , Rationality of instanton moduli, Preprint (2010),arXiv:1012.4132.
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26 articles.