Biernacka Malgorzata,Biernacki Dariusz,Danvy Olivier
We present an abstract machine and a reduction semantics for the lambda-calculus extended with control operators that give access to delimited continuations in the CPS hierarchy. The abstract machine is derived from an evaluator in continuation-passing style (CPS); the reduction semantics (i.e., a small-step operational semantics with an explicit representation of evaluation contexts) is constructed from the abstract machine; and the control operators are the shift and reset family. At level n of the CPS hierarchy, programs can use the control operators shift_i and reset_i for 1 <= i <= n, the evaluator has n + 1 layers of continuations, the abstract machine has n + 1 layers of control stacks, and the reduction semantics has n + 1 layers of evaluation contexts.<br /> <br /> We also present new applications of delimited continuations in the CPS hierarchy: finding list prefixes and normalization by evaluation for a hierarchical language of units and products.
Det Kgl. Bibliotek/Royal Danish Library
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