Objective: Design of a portable new intelligent thermometer for newborns using thermo sensitive materials, to compare three
different thermometers, in terms of safety, accuracy and effectiveness.
Methods: Three thermometers for home use (New Thermometer, Electronic Thermometers and Mercury thermometers) were
applied to 20 neonatal patients during 24 h, and the measured values of the three sites of the newborn baby.
Results: Pearson correlation all revealed moderate correlation, between the Mercury thermometers and the New Thermometer
(cervical r¼0.759, pulmonary arterial catheter body surface projection area r¼0.502, left axillary area r¼0.781), between
the Mercury thermometers and the electronic thermometers (cervical r¼0.694, pulmonary arterial catheter body surface
projection area r¼0.580, left axillary area r¼0.760) systems, Two thermometers measured in different parts than mercury
thermometers R value (0.502 to 0.781). The difference is not statistically significant in the temperature values measured by
the new thermometer at the neck and under the left armpit (P≥0.05), the difference between digital thermometers and mercury
thermometers is no statistically significant (P≥0.05).
Conclusion: The new thermometer is easy to use, safe and stable, and can measure the core body temperature noninvasively.
The accuracy of the new thermometer in the projection area of pulmonary artery surface needs further study.
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