To What Extend does Reported Practice from Nurses in Management of Indwelling Urinary Catheters Reflect National Evidence-based Guidelines?



In recent years, Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) has progressively developed into a major hospital complication accounting for 60% of hospital-acquired infections; it is costly and morbid. Nurses account for more than half of the catheterisation conducted within hospitals. Due to this reason, it was important to identify whether nursing practice on the management of indwelling urinary catheter was in the reflection of the current national guidelines. The survey is conducted on 32 participants who reveal the strengths and limitation within the areas. Nurses account for more than half of the catheterisation conducted within the hospital. In order to prevent CAUTI complication, the research suggested training and education as the main solution since nurses significantly exhibited poor performance in terms of knowledge and skills in the area of catheterisation, especially in the induction process. Moreover, the study reveals that the use of bladder scan and system intervention which has been identified to reduce the number of catheter insertions contributes to the reduction of urinary bacterial infection.


Opast Group LLC

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