Simulation and audio-visual learning method for knowledge of cardiac pulmonary resuscitation skills in nursing students


Etlidawati Etlidawati,Milinia Khusnul


Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted human activities, one of which is education, which requires a modification of learning. Online-based audio-visual learning methods are needed to deliver material until offline learning is active again so that learning activities can still be carried out. This study aims at a simulation and audio-visual learning method on cardiac, pulmonary resuscitation skills in nursing undergraduate students.Methods: The research uses a descriptive-analytic cross sectional approach. The variables in this study are simulation learning, audio-visual and knowledge of resuscitation. The sample was 83 respondents, and the sampling technique was probability sampling utilizing proportionate stratified random sampling.Results: The results showed that most of the respondents considered both simulation and audio-visual methods learning, 56 respondents (67.5%) and 62 respondents (74.7%), considered 27 respondents (32.5%) and 21 respondents (25.3%) bad. Knowledge of good category skills were 62 respondents (74.7%), and bad were 21 respondents (25.3%). Chi-Square test results obtained p-value 0.025 <a = 0.05.Conclusions: There is a significant relationship between learning method simulation and audio-visual methods on the knowledge of cardiac, pulmonary resuscitation laboratory skills in undergraduate nursing students in the COVID-19 pandemic. 


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General Medicine







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