Sunanto Sunanto,Handayani Erna
Introduction: Dental and oral diseases are experienced by many children, especially kindergarten or elementary school children. Health promotion with a demonstration method with props is one of the first steps in conveying dental health knowledge and a mouth that is easy to understand by children, using a humorous approach, the demonstration method is one of the most effective methods. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of counseling demonstration method on increasing knowledge about dental health and mouth in Children at TPQ Al Jakfar Tiris Probolinggo
Methods: Methods: this study used a pre-experimental design that used a one-group pretest-post-test approach with a design of 20 students. The type of research is used quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest design with control group design. The research subjects were divided into the treatment group (20 people) and the control group (17 people). The research sample is based on purposive sampling. Questionnaire to measure knowledge and check list to measure skills. Data analysis used paired t-test.
Results: The research shows that there is an effect of demonstration method counseling on increasing knowledge about dental and oral health in children at TPQ Al Jakfar Tiris Probolinggo. From the analysis results showed that the significant data equal to <0.001, p <α = 0,05 the result is H1 is accepted.
Conclusion: Health promotion methods with demonstration models have an effect on increasing knowledge about dental and oral health in children at TPQ Al Jakfar Tiris Probolinggo.