Progressive ovarian sertoli – leydig cell tumor: case report


Raynaldi Juanda,Hasanuddin ,Nainggolan Sarah Ika,Munizar


Introduction: Ovarian Sertoli – Leydig Cell Tumor (SLCT) are one of sex cord tumor that has incidence rate less than 0,2% of all ovarian tumors. It occurs predominantly in second and third decades of lifetime. It has characteristics mostly low–grade malignant although poorly differentiated type may behave more aggressively. Clinical characterstic of ovarian SLCT usually hormonal changes, nevertheless in patients without hormonal changes, the manifestation of the disease consists of abdominal pain and abdominal enlargement, and palpable adnexal mass on physical diagnostic. Case: a 52 years woman that has been undergo right salpingooforectomy 5 months prior with PA result shows poorly differentiated sertoli – leydig cell tumor, and refusing to chemotherapy. She came with chief complaint of abdominal enlargement since 3 months accompanied with lower abdominal pain 2 weeks prior. Ultrasound examination shows cystic ovarian neoplasm with solid part size 9 x 9 x 9 cm from left adnexa. Tumor markers that arise are Alpha–Fetoprotein (AFP)  52 ng/mL and Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) = 432 U/mL which correspond to sex cord tumor. She has undergone Laparotomy Total Abdominal Hysterectomy Left Salpingooforectomy and chemotherapy afterward. Conclusion: Ovarian Sertoli – Leydig Cell Tumors (SLCT) are a rare sex cord ovarian tumor that may behave more aggressively as it poorly differentiated. It has manifestations of hormonal changes and also abdominal enlargement.


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