Brunner’s gland hyperplasia as a cause of gastric outlet obstruction in a seven year old boy


Nesa Ni Nyoman Metriani,Darma Andy,Athiyyah Alpha Fardah,Ranuh IGM Reza,Sumitro Khadijah Rizky,Sudarmo Subijanto Marto


Link of Video Abstract: Introduction: Brunner’s glands are acinotubular glands which are located mostly  in the deep mucosal or submocosal layers of the proximal duodenum. Hyperplasia of these glands is reported in almost 1 in 50 upper gastrointestinal endoscopies and accounts for approximately 5 to 10 percent of all benign duodenal tumors. Brunner’s gland hyperplasia is usually asymptomatic. It  can take form of polypoid or mass lesions and precipitate pyloric obstruction, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, and intussusception in children. Due to its rarity in pediatric population, it tends to be misdiagnosed. Case Description: This case report presents a case of seven year old boy with Brunner’s gland hyperplasia presented with recurrent vomiting. A seven year-old boy was admitted to the hospital due to of worsening of intractable vomiting since five months prior to admission. He also felt abdominal discomfort, bloating, and early satiety since he was 3 years old. The patient had been treated with several medications without significant improvement. Epigastric pain was observed on abdominal palpation. Gastroscopy showed partial gastric outlet obstruction (pyloric obstruction), erosive gastritis, multiple ulcers, and erosive esophagitis. Histopatologic results from biopsy revealed chronic gastritis and positive for  Helicobacter pylori. Abdominal CT scan showed protrusion solid lesion intraluminal with diameter 1.18 x 1 x 1.25 cm in part II duodenum. Patient was consulted to pediatric surgeon for laparotomy exploration and duodeno-duodenostomy. Excision of Brunner’s gland dan biopsy were performed. Surgical report showed gastric dilatation with duodenal wall hypertrophy on part I-II of duodenum. Histopathological from biopsy revealed Brunner’s gland hyperplasia with lymphoid tissue.  Post surgery patient recovered well and eventually discharged without any complains. The prognosis was good. Conclusion: Generally, Brunner’s gland hypertrophy is benign and has a good prognosis. However, with the growth of benign proliferative lesions of Brunner’s glands, mucosal ulcers may develop, thereby leading to the repair of gastric foveolar metaplasia with papillary architecture and then malignant transformation.  


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