The effectiveness of the clinical skills model for continuity of care in postpartum mothers


Amalia Rizki,Anggasari Yasi,Suryadi Indy


Background: The postpartum period is a period of recovery for mothers. At this time, many physical and psychological changes make mothers uncomfortable. Those feelings of discomfort can cause anxiety in some persons. Long-term untreated anxiety will affect the mother's mental health and even how she cares for her child. Midwives, who are the front-line providers of maternal health services, must be able to decrease anxiety by using the continuity of care model beginning with pregnancy, labor, and postpartum babies in order to avoid having an impact on excessive stress, even postpartum depression. This study aimed to determine the effect of applying the continuity of care model on maternal anxiety postpartum. Methods: This research was a quasi-experimental study with an equivalent non-control group design at the Paciran District Health Center from May to July 2022. Analyzing quantitative data allowed researchers to compare the postpartum anxiety levels of primiparous mothers in the intervention and control groups. The intervention group and the control group were each given a group of research participants. During the postpartum period, the intervention group received continuity of care (COC) support, whereas the control group received standard postpartum care. Results: The size of the effect of mentoring pregnant women with COC on anxiety was 7.80, and there was a significant difference between anxiety in postpartum women with COC and traditional help (p<0.001). Conclusion: Anxiety in primiparous postpartum moms treated with COC as opposed to traditional assistance differs significantly.


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