Oligopoly models and their manifestation in the modern Russian economy


Dzobelova Valentina B.1ORCID,Lebedeva Natalya Yu.2


1. North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurov, (Russian Federation, Vladikavkaz)

2. Southern Federal University


This publication discusses the characteristics of oligopoly as one of the most common market structures, due to the fact that the attention of economists is constantly attracted to the problems of the functioning of a firm in such market conditions, the article presents a statistical analysis of various oligopoly models. Each model is characterized by certain signs. Based on these signs, oligopolistic markets are assigned to one or another model, an assessment of the appropriateness of using oligopoly models to analyze the interaction of market entities is presented. Based on an analytical comparison, it was revealed that oligopolies continue to be one of the most common market structures in the Russian economy. The influence of oligopolistic enterprises on the state of the country’s economy is very large, so it is so important to understand the processes that occur in oligopolistic markets, to explain the reasons for this or that behavior of firms. The most unfavorable oligopoly model for consumers is the cartel model, since in this case the market situation is close to the sellers monopoly. Most preferable for consumers are models in which there are no clear leaders, several firms can have a significant impact on the market. In an effort to maximize profits by increasing their market share, firms offer the most advantageous offers to consumers.


North-Ossetian State University named after Costa Levanovich Khetagurov

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