1. Mohan Babu University Erstwhile Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College, Tirupati, India.
Computer usage is increasing rapidly day by day but the input devices are limited and to access them, we need to be near the screen. To overcome this problem and control the screen, we can use hand gestures. For every operation, we used different hand gestures. We proposed a python program to control the media player through hand gestures. In this method, we used libraries like OpenCV, Media Pipe, PyAuto GUI, and other libraries to capture the video, provide ready-to-use ML solutions and automate your GUI and programmatically control your keyboard and mouse. Hand gestures will be used as the input for providing natural interaction by reducing external hardware interaction. The whole process is divided into two steps. Firstly, gesture recognition through the camera is done by OpenCV and media Pipe helps to identify the gesture b its position, and the respective command is executed. Secondly, PyAuto GUI is used to automate the keyboard and controls the media player.
General Medicine,Materials Chemistry,General Medicine,General Medicine,General Materials Science,General Medicine,General Medicine,Aerospace Engineering,General Medicine
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