A systematic investigation on the influence of the chemical treatment of natural fibres using the Fuzzy TOPSIS Method


Chandraprakash Shivram Padmavat1


1. International Centre of Excellence in Engineering and Management, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India.


Chemical treatment (hazardous waste) is the conversion of hazardous waste into non-toxic gases, to change or change the chemical characteristics of waste Treatment methods are used, for example in water By decreasing solubility. OracidityNeutralization or pH adjustment (neutralization or precipitation), oxidation and reduction, hydrolysis and Photosynthesis, chemical oxidation (ozonation, (electrolytic oxidation, hydrogen peroxide) and chemical removal (alkali metaldichlorine, alkali)chemical treatment processes Various (commonly used) including metallization/ soCommonly Activated Chemical Treatment Processes: Chemical Precipitation, neutralization absorption, disinfection (chlorine, ozone, UV light) and ion exchange. from plant kingdomCommon natural fibres obtained are Cotton, Flax, Jute, Bamboo, Sisal and Jute, Natural fibres. The main component Natural fibres. The main component Popular as angora and mohair We get fibres, plant fibres include seed hairs such as cotten; Flax andstem (or bast) fibres like jute, leaf fibres like sisal; and coconut-like husks fibres. Animal fibres also include secretions such as wool, hair, and silk. Research significance: In this paper, various chemical properties of in natural fibre-reinforced composites Use natural fibres Changes have been reviewed. Alkali, Silane, Acetylation, Benzoylation, Acrylation, malate coupling agents, isocyanates, Permanganate and other chemical treatments are discussed. to the fibre surface Chemical treatment of fibre between polymer matrixAimed at improving adhesion. Water absorption of composites decreases and their mechanical Properties are improved. Method: Fuzzy TOPSIS (Order by Similarities for Ideal Solution technique for prioritization) similar options. Further It also automates the process and selection Ambiguity, uncertainty in the process Can also be used to relieve Technology in general Used to solve decision problems. This is for all alternatives in the technique problem Based on inter-comparison. Alternative: Cotton, Jute, Flax, Hemp, Ramie and Sisal. Evaluation parameters: Density, Elongation, Tensile strength and Young’s modulus. Result: Chemical Treatments of Natural Fibre in Sisal is got the first rank whereas is the Hemp is having the Lowest rank.Conclusion: Chemical Treatments of Natural Fibre in Sisal is got the first rank whereas is the Hemp is having the Lowest rank.


REST Publisher


Materials Chemistry,Economics and Econometrics,Media Technology,Forestry,General Medicine,General Medicine,General Medicine,General Medicine,General Engineering,General Medicine,General Chemistry,Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine,Pediatrics, Perinatology, and Child Health,Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics,Microbiology








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