1. George Mason University
2. Fairfax County Public Schools
In this article we describe the Books 2 Basketball (B2B) program created by a school counsellor for Black youth along with some preliminary outcomes examined after its implementation. This program was not evaluated for effectiveness but to determine if the program was feasible and to
share feedback from some of the participants. The B2B program is facilitated after-school and geared toward exposing Black youth to college preparatory dialogue using the development of basketball and academic skills. The overarching goal of this program is to promote students??? potential
for academic success, which enhances post-secondary options, by teaching children basic basketball and basic arithmetic/mathematical skills (i.e., how to calculate fractions, percentages, decimals, and ratios). The feedback from the student participants provides implications for the use of
sport and recreation-related programs to promote their learning, career development, and physical health. We conclude this article with implications for research, practice, and policy for educators unveiling the brilliance of Black/African American youth.
Association for Career and Technical Education Research