Crystal chemistry of povondraite by single-crystal XRD, EMPA, Mössbauer spectroscopy and FTIR


Bosi FerdinandoORCID,Skogby Henrik,Hovis Guy L.


Abstract Five povondraite crystals from San Francisco Mine, Villa Tunari, Bolivia, have been structurally and chemically characterised by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and electron microprobe analysis. For the first time, this characterisation is accompanied by Mössbauer spectroscopic and single-crystal infrared spectroscopic data, which show the exclusive presence of Fe3+ at both the octahedrally-coordinated Y and Z sites as well as slight disorder of (OH) and O over the O(1) and O(3) sites. The data obtained along with those for earlier-studied bosiite and oxy-dravite oxy-tourmalines show a complete substitution series described by the reaction Y Fe3+3 + ZMg + Z Fe3+4 Y Al2 + Y Mg + Z Al5 (i.e. Fe3+Al–1) with variation of the structural parameters dominated by Fe3+ (or Al). Povondraite is the tourmaline member having the largest unit-cell parameters due to the larger size of Fe3+ relative to other trivalent cations (V > Cr > Al). In the tourmaline-supergroup minerals, the a and c unit-cell parameters vary from ~15.60 Å to ~16.25 Å and ~7.00 Å to ~7.50 Å, respectively. Their values increase with increasing Fe3+ or decreasing Al. End-member compositions related to the smallest and largest a and c parameters are, respectively, NaAl3Al6(Si3B3O18)(BO3)3(OH)3(OH) (synthetic tourmaline) and NaFe3+3(Fe3+4Mg2)(Si6O18)(BO3)3(OH)3O (povondraite).


Mineralogical Society


Geochemistry and Petrology

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