Brammall A.,Leech J. G. C.,Bannister F. A.
This paper describes occurrences of cookeite (not previously recorded as a British species) and hydromuacovite, associated with auriferous pyrite and arsenopyrite, blende, galena, carbonates, and free gold at Ogofau, on the left bank of the river Cothi, half a mile ESE. of Pumpsaint, Carmarthenshire.The hillside around Ogofau is scarred with opencast workings and trenches reputed to be an 'ancient gold mine' dating back to Roman times. Though the mine is described as 'disused' on the Ordnance Survey map (six-inchcs/mile, Sheet XVII, NW.), these surface workings have been exploited for free gold intermittently within the last fifty years, and recent development work (by the Roman Deep Holdings,Ltd.) from a shaft sunk in 1910 is approaching the producing stage.
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17 articles.