Socio-philosophical dimension of epigenetic research


Vetrov VA1


1. Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of RAS, Moscow, Russia


In the last 20 years, epigenetics has evolved into a relevant and rapidly growing area of science. Scientific achievements in this area stirred interest among representatives of numerous socio-humanitarian disciplines, creating discussions at the legal, philosophical, political, social, cultural, medical, commercial and other levels. Thus, epigenetics is an outstanding example of a modern trend towards interdisciplinary trials as it is becoming a ‘borderline object’ of different sciences. In this article, the author analyzes the unfolding discussions regarding assessment of ethical, social and legal effects of epigenetics. Representation of epigenetics in mass media and science has been considered. Particular attention has been given to the reasons for epigenetic antideterminism. The epistemic value of epigenetics offers a different perception of some fundamental concerns such as the nature-upbringingnurture dichotomy, appropriate social politics, in particular, in the area of health, ethical contradictions when assessing harm and benefit, collective and individual responsibility (especially parental one), and the issue of non-identity. The author notes that in spite of the potential of epigenetics in personalized medicine, the exceptional phenomenon of epigenetics should be treated with caution due to early stages of the research and insufficiency of empirical data. Unreasonable extrapolation of epigenetic regulation to the sociocultural life can result in false reductionist conclusions. Nevertheless, the author is quite optimistic about the perspectives of epigenetic studies.


Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University


Music,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics,History,General Medicine,Ophthalmology,General Medicine,Pharmaceutical Science,Political Science and International Relations,Sociology and Political Science,Political Science and International Relations,Sociology and Political Science,Sociology and Political Science,Plant Science







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